March 21, 2012 |
April 18, 2008 |
July 3, 2007 |
April 25, 2003 |
MAJESTY LINUX NOW AVAILABLE The long awaited Linux port for Majesty Gold has finally been released by Linux Game Publishing. If you'd like to try a demo you can grab a copy of it here. Not surprisingly, news of the release has been Slashdotted.. MAJESTY LEGENDS SNEAK PEEK For those of you who are interested in the status of Majesty 2, head over to Majesty Dragon for a look at the direction we're headed for the upcoming sequel.
July 07, 2002 |
MAJESTY GOLD FOR LINUX HAS HIT BETA We just got word that the LINUX version of Majesty Gold being ported by Linux Game Publishing has hit beta! There are some screen-shots on their website (although we can't seem to access the site at the moment). Stay tuned for more information on this pending release. |
May 10, 2002 |
NEW NORTHERN EXPANSION ARTICLE Majesty Dragon has posted the first in a series of strategy articles covering the Northern Expansion. Regulars to the forums will recognize our own "Shiney_Pony" as the author of the first of the articles entitled The Pearly Gates. As you might imagine (or maybe you haven't) it covered the various uses of the GATE spell. |
January 09, 2002 |
Majesty Gold combines both the original game and the expansion into a single package. Majesty Gold should be available soon wherever you buy your game software. Online you can find it at EBWorld,, Gamestop, and others. |
January 04, 2002 |
Majesty confirmed for the Linux Platform London, England. Cyberlore Studios Inc and Linux Game Publishing Ltd announce that Majesty is confirmed for release for the Linux platform. Majesty and its mission pack 'The Northern Expansion' will be ported to Linux and made available through the Linux Game Publishing retail channel. Majesty is a groundbreaking 'Fantasy Kingdom Simulation' released for Windows in 2000 to great acclaim. It was nominated for numerous prestigious awards, winning several, including one from Computer Gaming World. Majesty provides a fresh look at the way computer games are played. Tom Chick, writing for CNet, wrote: ""...Majesty is one of the most important new RTS games in a long time. Cyberlore has keenly demonstrated that you can march to the beat of a different drummer and still give one hell of a parade." As the leader of a medieval kingdom, you need to defend it from rampaging magical creatures, and entice heroes to join your cause. But unlike other games where you simply control what happens, in Majesty you have to make your minions WANT to do what you ask! About Cyberlore Studios Inc. More information about Cyberlore can be found at The official Majesty website is located at About Linux Game Publishing
LTD. For more information please contact Linux Game Publishing Press Department The Linux Game Publishing website is located at |
October 02, 2001 |
TIME TO VOTE! The voting phase of the Majesty Freestyle Quest Contest has begun. If you haven't yet, head over to the official contest page and pick up all of the entries and play through them. Once you've done that, go to the voting booth and vote for your favorite. We're giving this portion of the contest about two weeks to be completed. Then, we count up the votes and see who our winner is. |
September 04, 2001 |
MAJESTY FREESTYLE QUEST CONTEST! Majesty-Dragon and Cyberlore are proud to announce the Majesty Freestyle Quest Contest. In this contest, you create a freestyle quest in Majesty: The Northern Expansion and submit it to Majesty-Dragon. The submitted quests are made available for download, and at the end of the contest Majesty fans everywhere vote on their favorite quest. The creators of the top 3 quests walk away with some sweet Majesty Swag and the adoration of thousands. For the full details, go the the contest information page on Majesty-Dragon.
June 25, 2001 |
COOL MAJESTY SWAG! You can now buy Mugs, Mouspads, T-Shirts and Sweatshirts at our new Swag Shop. My personal favorite is the Mugs that have cool Majesty art on one side, and "I'm down with that your Majesty!" on the other. If you order by the 30th you can get a Majesty mousepad for only $5.99! They normally sell for $10.99. |
June 12 , 2001 |
WIN A COPY OF THE NORTHEN EXPANSION! If you haven't already picked up a copy yet, now's your chance to get one free! Majesty-Dragon is doing a giveaway. They have four copies that they'll be giving away in a random drawing. One of the winners could be YOU!. Just head over here and fill out the entry form. Only one entry per person.
June 12 , 2001 |
MAJESTY CHAT - TONIGHT AT 7pm Eastern! (Taken from Majesty-Dragon) That's right! If you want to come by this evening and chat about Majesty, the expansion, as well as what we may or may not be working on at the moment, please feel free to drop by and chat. Be sure to take a moment (or two) to download the Gamespy Arcade client if you haven't done so before. This will keep you from showing up more than fashionably late. Just click the link above to get started.
June 04 , 2001 |
MAJESTY EXPANSION - PURE GOLD! According to the review on Gone Gold, Majesty: The Northern Expansion is "Pure Gold". The review, written by Eric Lopez, actually gives the expansion a 92 out of 100 - which is pretty darn cool. We're always pleased when a reviewer gets really excited about our games.
BTW - I want to mention that Gone Gold has long been one of my favorite gaming sites. Rich LaPorte's personal style is what gives that site a very "homey" feel to it. When you read one of his updates it's like chatting with a friend. His is the only gaming site that has ever evoked real emotion. You owe it to yourself to put this site in your bookmarks for daily use. Sure, this is going to look like I'm pandering to somebody that just gave us a good review, but it really is the truth. The site is competely unique and has a very wholesome and honest quality to it that I don't think that I've ever seen on another site. I wish Rich and Gone Gold much success in the future. It certainly deserves it. Let me get to work... ;) -
Jay Adan
May 01 , 2001 |
MAJX UPDATE #2 NOW AVAILABLE The second update for Majesty: The Northern Expansion is now available in the downloads area.
April 25, 2001 |
MAJESTY UPDATE #1 FOR MAC NOW AVAILABLE The first update for the Mac version of Majesty is now available. Head on over to for the full scoop on the update and to download a copy.
April 24, 2001 |
NEW QUEST FOR MAJESTY: THE NORTHERN EXPANSION "The Balance of Twilight" is a brand-new quest for owners of Majesty: The Northern Expansion. It brings back of the the most powerful enemies from the original game and asks that you destroy them once and for all. The new quest is available in the Downloads section of the website. |
April 12, 2001 |
ANOTHER NEW MAJESTY EXPANSION ARTICLE Spotted on GameFaqs today. It has a pretty extensive walkthrough and some general guidelines on strategies. A heck of a lot of work went into it.
April 11, 2001 |
NEW MAJESTY EXPANSION ARTICLES Both Majesty Online and YMC have been busy looking under the hood of some of the new features of Majesty: The Northern Expansion. YMC has a new article about the Sorceror's Abode written by forum veteran, GolemXV. This gives you a complete breakdown of the building, its spells, and their possible uses. Majesty Online (Mr. Fixit's Majesty site) has a similar breakdown of the Magic Bazaar. It goes into great detail about the benefits of the variouos potions to be found there, who is likely to buy and use them, and some possible new strategies related to this new building. These sites are both phenomenal resources. We highly recommend checking them out.
March 22, 2001 |
THE NORTHERN EXPANSION WALKTHROUGH Mr. Fixit just launched! And, right when you're probably going to need it they've posted walkthroughs for all of the Northern Expansion quests. Believe me when I tell you that even the greatly experienced players out there are probably going to want to refer to it at least a couple of times to get past a tough spot.
March 21, 2001 |
THE NORTHERN EXPANSION NOW AVAILABLE The first reports that folks have spotted copies of The Northern Expansion at their local stores have begun appearing on the forum. This means that it's really out there folks. Bug your local software retailer. If they don't have it already they should have it shortly. If you don't have a local retailer you could always order it online. If you're still deciding if you want to pick it up perhaps this preview on StrategyPlanet will help you decide..
March 19, 2001 |
APPLE DOES MAJESTY The official Apple Computers website has an article about Majesty and one of the other games recently released by MacPlay. We were excited by the attention so we just thought that we would share this URL with you so that you can read the article.
March 08, 2001 |
MORE CHOICES FOR MULTIPLAYER Some resourceful Majesty players found out that it is still possible to play Majesty on the Zone if you were so inclined to do so. If you want to learn the details, read this forum topic. We still think that you should just use GameSpy Arcade - because it's cool and those GameSpy folks rock! But that's just us. CGW GIVES MAJESTY AN AWARD As many of you may remember, last months CGW mentioned that Majesty was in the running for CGWs "Best Strategy Game of the Year" award. Well, we didn't win that one. We lost out to Sacrifice. Still, we did get mentioned in the article a number of times, including the Special Achievements area where we were given the PLEASANT SURPRISE OF THE YEAR award. Sure, it's not the BIG award but it's a great recognition of the game none the less. Here's the quote: "A real-time strategy game where you didn't control your troops and concoct extravagant tactical maneuvers? Who'd want to play that? Surprisingly, we did. Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim hooked more than one of us with a quick-paced, hands-off formula that defied our expectations and won our hearts."
March 02, 2001 |
MAJESTY MULTIPLAYER PATCH AVAILABLE As we mentioned in our last news update, we discovered a problem that occurred when the Zone stopped supporting mutliplayer gaming for Majesty. The latest update, #4, corrects this problem and allows you to play Majesty multiplayer over the internet on GameSpy Arcade without having to have installed the Zone software first. We want to mention again that we all think that GameSpy Arcade is a wonderful program and service from GameSpy. We have found the quality of their software to be first-rate and the responsiveness of their tech-support folks to be nothing short of amazing. The program is free to download and use but the service is definitely worth the $20 registration fee. Of course, if the service doesn't convince you, perhaps the fact that by paying the $20 you can remove the banner ads will.
Feb 16, 2001 |
MAJESTY INTERNET MULTIPLAYER Many of you already know that the MSN Gaming Zone no longer supports Majesty. Hasbro Interactive had cancelled their agreement with the Zone regarding all of their multiplayer games because they were all going to be supported on With the future of uncertain there is a good chance that this will never happen. Never fear though - you can STILL play Majesty on the internet. GameSpy Arcade has supported Majesty since the very beginning and continues to do so. All you need to do is to head over to their site, download the program, get it installed and you're ready to go. You CAN download and use the program for free (though we encourage everybody to register since it's such a good program/service - and if you do you don't have to see the ads). There is one problem though. Due to unforseen circumstances, there is a bug currently in Majesty that makes it impossible to play Majesty on GameSpy Arcade if you don't currently have The Zone's software also installed. If you've played on the Zone in the past, no problem. You're good to go. There will be a patch that addresses this problem that should be out around the time that the Majesty Expansion is released. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Jan 31 , 2001 |
SO MUCH GOOD NEWS... ...we're at a loss where to begin. First off, it's official. Majesty: The Northern Expansion will be release the third week in March. For those who don't recall, that's the same time that Majesty was released last year. That's right, it's almost been an entire year and Majesty is still on store shelves. In an industry where four months seems like a long time (and is longer than the shelf-life of most games) Majesty has stuck it out for a full year and is still going strong. We really appreciate everybody's patience with this process. The other good news showed up in the mail today. In the 20th Anniversary Edition of Computer Gaming World there's a look at the various games that are in the running for CGW's Game of the Year awards. Well, let me share a quote with you from the Strategy section. "Innovation gets you places in this category. The big shots here are Shiney's immensely odd SACRIFICE and Cyberlore's Hands-off RTS MAJESTY." The article also mentions Red Alert 2, Homeworld: Cataclysm, Space Empires IV, not to mention The Sims... but Majesty is one of the "big shots"! How cool is that? We can't wait until next issue to find out who won.
Jan 11 , 2001 |
MAJESTY® EXPANSION PREVIEW Yes, we know that you're all anxiously awaiting news on the release of the expansion. Well, if you want a really in-depth look at the new goodies that we have in store for you please go have a look at Mr. Fixit Online's Majesty Expansion Preview. MAJESTY®: TREASURE HUNT SNEAK PEEK Most folks probably don't know that Cyberlore recently added web-based internet games to their repertoire. Santa Strike was both a Christmas present for our fans and a peek at things to come. Well, we have another little peek for you. If you head over to our Internet Games page (that we like to call Cafe' Cyberlore) you can get a glimpse of a turn-based game that we're working on that is based on Majesty.
Dec 14, 2000 |
DOWNLOAD THE MAC DEMO The Mac Majesty Demo is now available on our downloads page. Head on over and pick it up. OKAY - SO I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS COOL... We just got this banner done for Santa Strike and since we didn't have time to put it anywhere on the website tonight, we're putting it on this page.
Dec 14, 2000 |
INTERVIEW WITH THE ROYAL ADVISOR! Majesty Dragon has a wonderful interview with Majesty's Royal Advisor, also known as George Ledoux. It's a really great interview with a wonderful voice actor. Give it a look. THE MAC DEMO - COMING SOON! Okay, we're starting to drown in e-mail about the Majesty demo for the Mac. It's coming. In fact, our cohorts at Macplay tell me that it will be available for download on Monday, December 18th. We'll give you all of the details just as soon as it is available. HAVE YOU TRIED SANTA STRIKE? Okay, the connection to Majesty is tenuous at best, but Cyberlore has created a little free game that PC users can download and play right now (sorry Mac folks, there just wasn't time to make it cross-platform). It's called Santa Strike and it's an arcade shooter with a holiday theme. Go give it a try. MR. FIXIT EXPANSION PREVIEW Kit at Mr. Fixit has started his preview of the Majesty expansion. He's doing something of a serialized preview - posting things as he discovers them rather than trying to spit it all out at once. It's a pretty interesting way to go about it. Follow this link to check it out.
Dec 01, 2000 |
LOTS OF NEW NEWS We have to apologize for the extended absence of an update to the NEWS page. It's been a busy month coupled with the added complication of the slow disintegration of the webmaster's computer. We're back on track now! MAJESTY FOR THE AMIGA You heard correctly. The Amiga is back and Majesty will be one of many great new titles coming for the system. Check out the full story here. MAJESTY GETS AWARD! Choosing Children's Software, handed out their yearly awards recently giving Majesty their "Best Imaginitive Game" award. Our first award! We're speechless. We were going to add something goofy like "You like me, you really really, like me"... then we looked that phrase up on Google and found sixteen jillion other pages where that quote is used so we decided against it. MAJESTY IS CGW HOLIDAY HIT! The current issue of Computer Gaming World (#198) is their special Christmas Buyer's Guide issue. They list the 75 best games broken down by category. Majesty is one of six strategy games listed in this guide! VOTE FOR MAJESTY Game Industry News is running their yearly "Best Games of the Year" contest and Majesty is one of the finalists in the "Best Real-Time Strategy Game category. Only subscribers can vote, but subscriptions are free. GiN is one of the better news sources out there don't hesitate to sign up for it.
Oct 31, 2000 |
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! The latest poll question is up. I encourage all Majesty fans to hope over to the forum and participate. The question is an interesting one. This time we're giving away a copy of the D&D 3rd Edition Dungeon Master's Guide. Congratulations to Minhrael on winning the latest giveaway!
Oct 19, 2000 |
MAJESTY FOR LINUX! The rumors have been flying fast and furious for the past couple of weeks but now the cat can be let out of the bag. Tribsoft will be porting Majesty to Linux. For a look at the full press-release, head over here.
Oct 18, 2000 |
MAJESTY LADDER AT MFO Mr. Fixit Online, a close "runner up" in the Best Majesty Fansite contest, has started thier Majesty Ladder. The ladder is an ongoing ranking and rating system for competitive online play. So, if you want to test your Majesty skills against the best on the net you'll want to head over there and sign up. It's worth noting that as well as having the ladder, MFO has some of the best articles about Majesty available on the web. They go to the real nuts and bolts behind how the game is put together and show you how to improve your skills. Thier most recent article shows you why Priestesses are not the be underestimated.
Oct 17, 2000 |
WIN A BOX OF MAGIC BOOSTER PACKS! Last week it was a Player's
Handbook, this week it's Magic: The Gathering "Nemesis" booster
packs. A very special thanks to Wizards
of the Coast for supplying these great prizes. Remember, in order to win you need to answer this week's poll question. To do that, you need to register. Once you've registered you're all ready to go. You don't have to register again and you can come back every week for a chance at the latest prize! Last week's winner was lmurphey who will be getting a copy of the Third Edition D&D Player's Handbook.!
Oct 11, 2000 |
Remember, you need to be a registered forum member to take part in the polls. Registration gives you the opportunity to participate in discussions that take place on the forum and you can also sign up to get periodic news from Cyberlore regarding other giveaways and upcoming games!
Oct 04, 2000 |
TAKE A POLL We're now running weekly polls. The polls may end up covering lots of different topics (we're on our second poll) and may help us give you what you really want in future games so be sure to stop by and have and cast your vote. You do need to be registered as a forum member in order to particpate in the poll but registration is very easy. You can register right here. MAJESTY REVIEW ON THE RADIO IN SF KSFO 560 in San Francisco, CA has a radio program called "Everything Computers". Last week the show included a review of Majesty in their Kids Software segment. The review was very positive. If you're interested in listening to the show you can just click here and if you have Real Player installed you'll get moving right away. The review is almost exactly 30 minutes into the show.
Sept. 25, 2000 |
FORUM OPEN - SITE MOVED The reason for the forum being down was because we were moving the entire website to a new host computer. It's been a long time coming but our website has quickly gone beyond the boundries of simple web hosting to needing its own dedicated server. Hopefully you didn't notice anything as the change was made. There's only a couple of problems associated with the move that should be cleared up shortly. |
Sept. 14, 2000 |
FORUM TEMPORARILY CLOSED We're in the process of doing some much needed work to the website and this has meant that the forum needs to be down for a day or so. I recommend heading over to Mr. Fixit Online if you feel yourself in desperate need of some Majesty conversation while our forum is down. |
Sept. 08, 2000 |
DOWNLOAD A NEW QUEST The followers of Krolm have challenged your fitness to rule over the wild Northlands. Before you lies a valley consecrated to the worship of Krolm. It is said that in this place the spirit of Krolm manifests to destroy any who would intrude on their holy ground. The Wrath of Krolm is a brand new Quest for Majesty created by Cyberlore Studios. The new quest serves as a prelude to our upcoming expansion set, Majesty: The Northern Expansion. As Sovereign, you must defeat the followers of Krolm where they are the most powerful and open the way for further expansion into the Northlands. If you want to play the new quest, just head over to the downloads page and you'll find it at the top of the page. Once you've downloaded and installed it you'll be able to select it from the lower left portion of your quest selection map. You MUST have update #3 installed in order to play this new quest. If you haven't gotten it yet please go over to the downloads page and grab it.
August 21, 2000 |
PHOTOS FROM GENCON We've put together a page that gives you a look at our recent trip to the Gencon Gamefair. You'll get to see the humongous Hasbro Interactive booth, Starcraft miniatures, and a woman in a chainmail bikini, as well as other interesting sights from the show. Go have a look.
August 21, 2000 |
THE ENVELOPE PLEASE... The winner of the Majesty Fansite contest was chosen on Friday. This was a very difficult process as many people here at Cyberlore had their favorites and were sure that their choice was the correct one. When the dust settled and all of the votes were counted there was one site that stood out from the rest: Your
Majesty's Castle We want to thank everybody for participating in the contest. The sites that have been created to support Majesty are, of course, very appreciated by us folks here at Cyberlore. We will be sending the grand prize out right away and will be putting together packages for the other entrants over the next week or so.
August 7, 2000 |
MAJESTY TOURNAMENT! Mr. Fixit Online is hosting a Majesty tournament with $500 in prizes! MFO is accepting entries until midnight EDT, Aug 20 (Sunday). The first week pairings will be posted (here) by midnight EDT, Aug 21 (Monday). For complete information about the tourney, please follow this link to the the full explanation on MFO. THE NORTHERN EXPANSION AT GENCON! Jay Adan, webmaster and Marketing Guy at Cyberlore, will be running demos of Majesty: The Northern Expansion at Gencon 2000 in Milwaukee from August 10th till the 13th. This is only the second time that the expansion has been shown to the public - the first time being E3 in May. You'll get a chance to look at the product in its near-final form and actually play it. We're also going to be giving away a new set of Majesty Button Men (look at the August 3 entry for more information). Definitely set some time aside to get a peek.
August 3, 2000 |
It should be a pretty huge event considering the fact that WOTC will be deuting the latest incarnation of the D&D rules. Well, Majesty is going to be there as well. We'l be running demos of the upcoming Majesty: The Northern Expansion and handing out these two promotional buttons featuring art from the expansion. The buttons are actually part of a really cool dice game called Button Men. We gave away another set of these buttons at last year's show and they were extremely popular. So, if you're going to be at Gencon be sure to stop by the Hasbro Interactive area and shake down the guy in the funny costume demoing the Northern Expansion for your set of Majesty Button Men.
August 2 , 2000 |
Thanks to everybody who showed up to the chat two nights ago. WE had a really good time. Turnout was incredible. After the chat many of us headed over to GameSpy Arcade and played some intense games of Majesty Multiplayer using the new Update #3. We're going to have to do this again very soon. Maybe after the release of the first downloadable quest.. FANSITE CONTEST DATE DELAYED. Because of the upcoming Gencon convention we have decided to delay judging of the Majesty fansites until August 15th. That means that if you have been working on a site and thought that you'd missed the July 31 deadline you have TWO MORE WEEKS to get it finished!
July 31, 2000 |
MAJESTY CHAT TONIGHT!! Majesty Dragon is hosting a Majesty online chat in their chat area. A number of Cyberlore folks will be there. Find out about what cool stuff is in store for you in the coming months. We're going to be there so you should too! No special software is required to participate. Just have an up-to-date browser that is Java enabled and you'll be ready to chat! WHEN: Tonight, 9pm EDT
July 28, 2000 |
A couple of pieces of really good news to report today. First, Majesty Update #3 is now available. You can start downloading it right now by clicking here. Please tell all of your friends about this update. It makes a number of suggested changes to multiplayer. If you've been reading the forum then you already knew these were coming. You may have even suggested some of the changes! The other major addition is the ability to download new single-player quests! The first of which should be available here in the near future. The other good news is that the latest issue of Family PC Magazine has a review of Majesty. They gave it a score of 91 and gave it their "Family PC Recommended" seal of approval.
July 27, 2000 |
Don't make any other plans for Monday evening. Majesty Dragon is going to be hosting a Majesty chat on his website. You don't even need any special software to attend (aside from a browser that supports Java). So, just be online Monday, July 31st at 9pm EDT (that's 6pm for folks on the West Coast and 1am August 1 if you're in the UK). Head over to the chat area and you're in. You'll be able to chat with Cyberlorians (that's us BTW) about Majesty, Update #3, the upcoming Northern Expansion, The X-Men movie, Napster, personal VTOL aircraft... whatever!
July 26, 2000 |
We've got an incredible new Wallpaper image in the downloads section. Rather than describe it, I'll give you a peek:
So head over to the Downloads page and grab the one that's best for your system.
July 18, 2000 |
We're off to the MacWorld Expo in New York City this week. If you're going to be there be sure to stop by the United Developers booth and say hi. When we get back we should be able to tell you WHY we at the MacWorld Expo (though I expect many of you can guess). More new sound files this week. Today we have the Warrior of Discord in both English and German. Head on over to the Downloads page to grab it.
July 17, 2000 |
A number of new items in the Downloads area today. First, there are wave files for both the Ranger and the Solarii voice lines. The German versions of both of those are up as well. Last, but by no means least, you can also download an early version of the Ranger voices that you can actually drop right into your game (created using our Sound Editor program). The file will replace the current Ranger sounds next time you play the game (you have to put the file into your Majesty/Data directory). Just delete or move the file to bring the original sounds back. If you like the idea of replacing sounds in Majesty be sure to download the Sound Editor. You can also get more pre-made sound packs from The Unofficial Majesty Webite.
July 13, 2000 |
Yesterday's forum upgrade went smoothly. There was only a short period of downtime and when we cranked it back up it worked almost immediately. With this success under our belts we decided to do a little addition to the forum today. Now if you go to the bottom of the page that lists the forum topics you can find a listing of who else is currently browsing the boards. Majesty Dragon has added a chat feature to their site. This is a simple piece of software that doesn't require anything more than a current browser. All you have to do is follow this link. If you are using Netscape, make sure that the room says "#majesty-dragon" (without the quotes) instead of "#gamespy."
July 12, 2000 |
FORUM SOFTWARE UPGRADE TODAY If you are having any trouble accessing the discussion forum today, or find it to behaving oddly, this is because we are implementing a major software upgrade and it will require shutting down the forum for a short time while we get the new files uploaded. Don't worry, the forum isn't going away. We just want to make it better! |
July 11, 2000 | If you head over to the Downloads page you can grab the brand new Majesty: The Northern Expansion Screensaver. It's stuffed full of really cool sketch art, paintings, and screen shots from the upcoming expansion. Nearly40 images in all! This is one of the most in-depth looks at the expansion that is currently available. Go get it now! |
July 10, 2000 |
For those of you who have been playing Majesty multiplayer over the internet you should know that there is now another way to play outside of the Zone. Our good friends at GameSpy have created a new program called GameSpy Arcade. GameSpy Arcade is a multiplayer matching service, web browser, and chat software built into one cool program. You can use it to find and play Majesty games with other folks. We've been able to test out most of the functions of the program and have been very pleased with it. There have also been many positive reports about it on our forum. If you've been looking for an alternative to The Zone I highly recommend that you pick it up. The download doesn't take too long and getting it ready to play is easy.
July 07, 2000 |
Well, here it is four months after Majesty was released and we continue to see good sales and good press. Walmart was so pleased with Majesty sales that they increased the number of stores that they would be selling it in! Sales in Europe look really good. We're even starting to get a lot of traffic from a Korean game site even though our Korean translation of Majesty has not yet been released (and I can't read the site to figure out what they're saying about Majesty!). Today I saw the first Majesty review from Argentina. Although the translation that I read wasn't great, you could easily see the high praise that they gave the game. Of course, if you want to see some reviews written in English, both Gone Gold (one of our favorite sites) and GamePen have released their reviews. Both very positive. One of the coolest reviews we've gotten in a while was recently published on RPG.NET. is a site that mostly covers more traditional, non-computer games (with a focus on RPGs of course). The review was done from a non-gamer's perspective that is particularly refreshing. My last word on reviews this week is this. We recently spotted a site called It has a pretty cool angle. It takes all of the reviews for various games that it can find online, then averages those reviews so you can get an overall picture of how good a game is. You also get links to all of the reviews if you want to compare the best and worst reviews (for example). Majesty has 33 reviews listed on with the average score of 75.8%. It also allows registered users to vote on games as well. Our user score is 8.0 (out of 10). Yes, we are quite pleased with these results!
June 15, 2000 |
Hasbro Interactive and Cyberlore Studios have agreed to push back the release date of Majesty: The Northern Expansion in order to spend more time getting the word out about the expansion set. The production of the expansion is currently on schedule and due to be finished at the beginning of July, but we all felt that releasing it so soon after the release of Majesty is jumping the gun. Majesty sales are still going strong and most of the reviews of Majesty are less than a month old. We have a second ad campaign starting in July that tells about the incredible reviews Majesty has gotten and promoting the coming expansion set. For those fans who have been dying for new content we have Majesty's Update #3 coming out soon. This update will provide some changes to multiplayer that many of our loyal fans have been suggesting in the official forums at In addition, we have added the ability to download free quests that will be created by the Majesty team at Cyberlore! This feature was originally planned for The Northern Expansion but we wanted to reward our loyal fans for their continued support. We also recently released the Majesty Sound Editor which gives players the ability to easily alter any of Majesty's audio effects and voice lines. "Sound Packs" can be created, traded, uploaded and downloaded. This is currently avaialable for download through the official website. Keep checking out our site through the summer. In addition to swapping challenges, achievements and ideas on our buzzing forum, Cyberlore will be actively promoting Majesty with new free quests and other goodies throughout the summer! |
June 08, 2000 | MrFixitOnline (commonly known as MFO) has been very busy recently collecting all of the known information about The Northern Expansion. He's put together items from articles, interviews and forum postings and come up with the "cheatsheet of all known Majesty: The Northern Expansion factoids". The link will take you straight over there so you can get a look at what you have to look forward to. |
June 06, 2000 |
You can now order Majesty Mousepads and Button Men. The mousepads are something that we've given away as prizes on occasion but they're so cooll that we thought that we'd offer them up to interested fans. Button Men is a game from Cheapass Games. It's easy to learn but pretty deep in its strategies. It's also very fast. Each game takes no more than about 10 minutes. These Button Men are based on Dirgo and a Solarus and were originally handed out at GenCon in 1999. They were a limited run and only the ones that didn't make it to the show are left. Since we've already had requests for them we figured that we'd offer up the remainder to interested fans (of both Majesty and Button Men). Today we also have a couple of new screenshots up for The Northern Expansion. This time we're showing a peek at some new freestyle controls. TNE is going to feature some new additions to freestyle to make the games even more fun and more challenging. The other screenshot shows you the new Build Tree Editor that will give you complete control over the build tree in single-player freestyle and multiplayer games. If you ever thought that it would be fun to try playing with vertain limitations of buildings, you'll have the opportunity to do just that.
May 31, 2000 |
We're a day off in getting up a new batch of wave files up because of the holiday. This week's entry is the Warrior. Now you too can have your desktop tell you "Now I'm ready for anything!" when you start up the computer or "My service ends...!" when you shut it down. Head on over to the downloads page to pick them up. As long as you're over there, you might want to grab the Majesty Sound Editor as well. The Sound Editor is a heck of a lot of fun to play with. People on the forum are already starting to trade their creations. It's a small download too. You can grab it in a couple of minutes with a slower connection and it's practically instantaneous with a fast one. |
May 26, 2000 |
The big news today is twofold. First, we've started our new Majesty Fansite Contest. If you have a Majesty Fansite or have been thinking about creating one you could win our cool Knight's Helm. A real steel helmet created by the craftsmen at We're also giving away other cool prizes to the other exceptional entries. So crank up your HTML editors and get started! Second, and no less cool, is the new Majesty Sound Editor. You can use this program to replace all of the sound effects and voice lines in Majesty with your own wave files. The sound packs that you create can then be traded with other people. You can go grab the program over on Majesty Dragon.
May 03, 2000 |
Recently the reviews seem to be coming in faster than we can read them. For example, Computer Gaming World, PC Gamer, and The Washington Post all published reviews within days of each other! In addition there have been reviews on a number of web sites. You can get the latest information about them on the Links page. We're going to be at E3 next week. If you are a member of the press and wish to set up a meeting to get a first look at the Majesty Expansion, please e-mail Jay Adan - Cyberlore's Marketing Guy. He'll try to squeeze you in. |
April 28, 2000 |
MAJESTY UPDATE#2 PROBLEM - Resolved Thanks to the reports posted on the Majesty forum, we were alterted to a problem with the online patch. There was some data corruption which resulted in some play problems, including a crash when Freestyle games were saved, then reloaded. We've replaced the patch download with a fresh (non-corrupt) copy. If you've already installed patch 1.2 before 9pm EST 4/27, please grab this again from: . You'll need to uninstall your existing Majesty version, then reinstall it in the same folder and apply the fresh update#2. Your old save games and settings WILL be saved. Sorry for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you, and thanks to those who brought it to our attention. --Rob Caswell |
April 27, 2000 |
Where did April go? Things have been moving so fast and furious here that it seemed like it just started yesterday. Things are going well for Majesty. We gotten a number of great reviews. The latest being the one at Games Domain Review. They don't give a true rating the way most websites and magazines do but we did get their "Highly Recommended" medal. The first magazine review came out as well. The now defunct PC Accelerator gave us high marks. We're still waiting anxiously for the Computer Gaming World review which should be in the next issue. Right now we're doing two things. Chugging away on the expansion for Majesty, and preparing for E3. If you are with the press and interested in seeing what's in store for Majesty in the future, please send e-mail to Jay Adan and let him know. We'll try to work you into the schedule. Lastly, the latest update is out. Update #2 addresses many of the speed issues that people were having with the game and fixes a few bugs. Unforunately, there is a small bug that was introduced with this update. You will be unable to save freestyle games if you use this patch. This will be repaired with the third update (available in a couple of weeks). We personally feel that the good that this update does far exceeds the downside of this bug. Still, if you think that this is going to negatively affect your enjoyment of the game just wait a couple more weeks for the next update. You can link to the latest updates from our Downloads page.
April 07, 2000 |
Well, we've come to the end of another week and things are looking good all over. There were a few more reviews that popped up (check the LINKS page) and they've all been very positive. We've really been listening to all of the critiques - especially from our forum participants. It's clear that they're enjoying the game because the depth of the suggestions are incredible. You don't get this kind of input from people who aren't spending quality time with the game. We've been gathering up the suggestions and trying to figure out how to best implent them. Certainly, many of them are going to have to wait for future products (Expansion, Sequel) but some of them could be implemented in the form of an update - and some will be. Actually, one of the first suggestions that we got was "Add hotkeys for speed control". This is already being implemented in Update #2 (which should be available shortly). We really do listen. Tuesday has become the official "Sound File Day". So, every Tuesday we'll be adding a new batch of sound files to the DOWNLOADS page. This week it was the Paladin. Next week will be something special. More good news. MediaPlay, a large entertainment superstore chain, has Majesty listed as their #8 game this week. Yes!
March 29, 2000 |
Another big day for Majesty coverage on the net. There are two new reviews and a bit of Real-player footage that you can watch. The first review is from Gamespot. They gave Majesty an "8.8" (out of 10). What was even more exciting was that the reviewer gave is a "10" on the "reviewer's slant" rating. Here's some memorable quotes from this review: "If Majesty helps set a trend, then 2000 might go down in history as the year in which gaming changed forever." "Majesty is one of the rare games that you won't want to stop playing until you find out what happens next." "Majesty is original, fun, and challenging, and it's a winning combination of real-time strategy and roleplaying elements." The second review is from Game-over. Their reviewer gave Majesty a score of 90%. Here's some quotes from that review: "It has quite a bit in common with most real-time strategy games, nevertheless, it succeeds in setting itself apart from all those games to stand out with a flair of original brilliance." "...a must for any god-sim and RTS fan out there. Way to go Cyberlore Studios, may you revel in fame and fortune for a while and live on to hopefully produce a Majesty 2." In addition to these two reviews, has a four minute video/audio clip that talks about Majesty, what it is, how it plays... really it's a preview. Very nice if you want to get a look at the game in action before buying it. |
March 28, 2000 |
The second of the Hero Voice Line sets has been uploaded to the downloads page today. This week's entry is the Rogue.
March 23, 2000 |
Majesty is now showing up on store shelves everywhere! Our official release date was March 21 (in the US) but stores were getting it as early as the 17th. Response has been great! Everybody here is extremely excited. The first update for the game has been released so click on the Downloads button on your left to find it and download it. This will bring you up to version 1.1. Keep in mind that if you don't have the Update you won't be able to play multiplayer with anybody that does. We're adding some other goodies to the downloads page today. In a little while I'll have the first of a series of Hero Voices. These are wave-file versions of the voice lines from the game. Today's entry is The Cultist. |
March 14, 2000 |
There are other reviews popping on all over. Be sure to keep an eye on our LINKS page to see the latest ones. You can also add you own opinion to some of the sites. has such a site as do many of the online stores like EBworld and Share your opinion! If you're looking for more Majesty articles, interviews and other cool stuff don't forget to stop by Majesty Dragon. This site is an incredible resource for Majesty fans created by a Majesty fan. He recently posted an interview with some of the Majesty crew as well as the composer who created the score for the game - Kevin Manthei. |
March 07, 2000 |
The website changes continue. Please mind the mess.. A review of the Beta version of Majesty was released at Majesty Dragon. It does a good job of comparing the Beta to the demo so if you've tried the demo this is a really good read. Gamefan also did a review recently. This review was based on the GOLD version of Majesty. This is really the first review written about what you're going to see in the final version of the game.
February 25, 2000 |
Majesty goes gold! YAY! The Majesty Website is being revamped (if you haven't noticed already)...Check out the changes to the world section especially.
January 27, 2000 |
A couple of new desktop wallpaper images have been added to the downloads page. Have a look. PC.IGN has covered Majesty again. This time with a preview of the Beta version of Majesty. |
January 18, 2000 |
The release of the game is getting so close that you can almost see it. As evidence of this, you can now pre-order Majesty from Electronic Bourtique's webpage (AKA EBWorld). Don't believe me? Follow this link over to their Majesty page. They have the price listed at $39.99. Want to save a buck? You can get it from Chips & Bits as well. Just take a look at this preview at Computer Games Online. At the bottom of the page you'll be given an option to buy the game. They're listing it at $38.95. is also taking pre-orders. It's a little pricier there. $44.95, but they're saying that you'll receive it the same day that the stores do! The ever-popular is also offering pre-orders on Majesty. The price is $42.95. I've always had good service from Amazon but I know that pre-ordered items will take a few days to arrive.
January 10, 2000 |
A couple of updates today: First, the Paladin has been added to the ever-growing list of Heroes in the "World" section of the site. We'll continue these updates until we finish with all of the Heroes from the game. Second, a new preview has appeared. This time on's Strategy Gaming area. Be sure to head over and have a look. By the way, the forum has been very active recently and we've been covering a lot of topics about what you're likely to see when the game is released. There's a lot of good reading there. Please take some time to look it over. |
December 29, 1999 |
Lots of stuff has happened in the last month. The website got another facelift, the demo was released, and our first ad has appeared in a magazine. If you haven't downloaded it yet, you can grab the demo right now. Just click the "Downloads" button on your left. Computer Games Magazine has the demo as well if you have a slow connection. Pick up the February, 2000 issue. It should be on news stands now. It also has a preview of Majesty and our first ad. If you have a copy of RealPlayer on your computer and want to see a "Trailer" for Majesty that shows what the gameplay is like you can head on over to Now Playing. |
November 16, 1999 |
Hey, we have a new format for our webpage If you're a first-timer then you probably won't notice the difference. This one's a little cleaner, a little faster, and it's guaranteed to keep Elephants from invading your home (guarantee not applicable in Africa or India) . There's some new screenshots to look at as well. We're also hosting our own discussion forum, so if you're interested in finding out the latest scoop about the game, this is the place to go. |
October 28, 1999 |
Incite is a new magazine for gamers making quite a stir around the industry. They are another "edgy" gaming magazine. Why would you bother with this one? Well, it seems that the newsstand price for an issue is about five bucks less than their competitors! What does any of this have to do with Majesty? They were nice enough to do a short preview of Majesty and put in on their website. |
October 25, 1999 |
More Alpha previews are showing up. CGOnline recently put their preview up. Today we discovered a preview from a German webzine. The CGO preview was very intriguing because the writer constructed a narrative of the gameplay from the perspective of the Sovereign. So, while it lacks the dissection of gameplay and features that previews normally provide, it does provide a feel for what actually playing the game is like while being an entertaining read. We do have some bad news. Majesty Heaven, which was an independent site devoted to Majesty, is going to be shutting down. The guys who had put it together just don't have the resources to keep it going. We're going to miss them and their site. They continue to be supportive of Majesty and Cyberlore in general. Rising up out of the ashes of Majesty Heaven comes Majesty Dragon! Fueled to action by the pending loss of Majesty Heaven, Jonathan Zook took it upon himself to fill the void and create a new site devoted to Majesty. We encourage everybody to go give it a look. He's done a fantastic job of pulling this site together in a short time. For those of you waiting for the demo... It's close. Oh, so very close. |
October 13, 1999 |
It's beginning to get exciting around here. We've always had a lot of support from a number of different writers but the marketing effort has always been almost an underground affair. Well, with Hasbro's support the word is starting to get out about Majesty and the feedback we're getting is great. The first preview based on the Alpha build that was sent out to the press has been posted at IGN. You can see it here - . It's incredibly positive and we're all very excited about it. People have had a chance to play the game at shows but we've never let a build out of the studio until now and there's always a bit of anxiety about it. With previews coming from some of the other major media outlets I think that everybody is going to know about Majesty before long. |
September 23, 1999 |
There's been some minor cosmetic work going on recently. Mostly adding in logos and such. I've also added links to all of the most recent Majesty press including some new ones that came up after ECTS. Check the LINKS page. Speaking of ECTS... the show was great. Very similar to E3 but not quite as oppressive (anybody that's been to E3 knows exactly what I mean). On the other hand, Europeans seem to be lagging a little behind in their smoking laws so, in the enclosed area that we were in for demoing the game, it sometimes got a little stuffy. Still, it was a great show with the press FINALLY paying some serious attention to Majesty. In fact, in the next couple of months you should start seeing some pretty serious articles about Majesty in your favorite gaming mags. One final announcement for this update. Majesty is now at Alpha. What that means is that all of the features that we had planned to put into the game are now in. What remains is tweaking, balancing, bug-fixing, and general polishing. That may not sound like much but with a game like Majesty, it is. Our next big task is to get the playable demo ready so that you can all get a taste of what we have in store for you early next year. |
August 20, 1999 |
I've been a little remiss in posting updates to this page. My apologies. In the past couple of months there haven't been many changes but new changes are on the horizon. We did manage to get the Dwarf character info up. Along with a bunch of new screenshots (both with the Dwarf story and on the World page itself). Majesty was also mentioned in the press a lot recently. The latest preview was from Adrenaline Vault. They did a full treatment that was well thought out and well written. That's not all. You see, Hasbro Interactive/Microprose also attended Gencon Game Fair in Milwaukee and Majesty got some attention there. Because of that, we were mentioned prominently in two separate articles about the show. On C-Net and on CGO. Both writers had had a chance to play the game and both came away wishing that they could have purchased it there. That sentiment was expressed not just by them but by many of the people who spent time at the show playing Majesty. Don't forget, we have a great discussion forum hosted by Heaven Gaming Sites where the Majesty talk never ends. Head over and see what we've had to say in the past month. |
May 28, 1999 |
The Wizard is up! Go over the Chapter One of the World area to get more details. Another new bit of news is another Majesty Article. This was is a little bit preview but mostly a review with the team. Take a look - |
May 26, 1999 |
The first major "post E3" coverage of Majesty comes from Games Domain Review. Tim Chown, who did the preview, is very enthusiastic about the game and this comes across well in his article. In fact, he ranks Majesty among the "top five strategy games" that he saw at E3. We're hoping to see more post E3 coverage in the future. I know that there are a couple of other sites planning on doing articles. Later this week I'm hoping to put up information on Majesty's Wizard. He's one of the "staple" characters that you'll want to recruit for most quests. They're easy to kill at low levels, but become flaming-hot juggernaughts of death and destruction at higher levels. |
April 08, 1999 |
We were very pleased today when we opened up the latest issue of Computer Games Strategy Plus and found a half page devoted to Majesty! The article is very positive and upbeat. Scott Udell obviously understands, and is excited about the game. This isn't the first time that Majesty has been mentioned in a magazine but it is the first time in nearly a year. With the game progressing quickly through towards completion we expect to see much more of this kind of coverage in the future. You know, if these news updates aren't coming in fast enough for you, go check out the Majesty Discussion Forum. We post regular updates, answer questions, and generally shoot the breeze with anybody that stops by. There's a new preview in town. Well, not this town exactly... more like a town in Hungary. That's right, Origo Games, a Hungarian website, has put up a preview of Majesty. We have no idea what it says. None whatsoever. It's still neat to look at. |
March 29, 1999 |
This week we've got a look at one of the more sinister heroes in the game. The Priestess is a follower of Krypta - Goddess or Death. The update includes new screenshots and a story as well. Speaking of screenshots... we posted a glimpse of the game interface over in the discussion forum. This is the first time that we've shown what the game looks like when it is played currently. Sure, changes are likely to occur between now and the release but sometimes it's fun to "look behind the curtain". |
March 26, 1999 |
I've got two new previews to tell you about this week. One that you can read, and one that you probably can't. This first one is from the kind folks over at Game Tropics. They seem very excited about the game and we appreciate that enthusiasm. Here's their preview... The second one (and the one you probably can't read) is from a game site out of Sweden called Force Games. It LOOKS like it says nice things about us and the game (as well as glowing things about the website and its webmaster!). I could be wrong though. Go take a look and see if you can puzzle through it. Here it is... |
March 11, 1999 |
We have a couple of things to report today. First is that the Adept now has his own tale! When he first went up it was sans fiction and this has been updated. The second thing to report is that there is another preview of Majesty on the web. This one is from a website in Brazil called Esfera. Be warned, the native tongue there is NOT English, it's Portuguese. You might want to use Alta-Vista's Bablefish to read it. Of course, Babelfish does have its limitations. Here's a "translated" quote from the preview... ...Matching elements of simulation with the focus in personages of games of adventure and RPG, Majesty it could be described as a " exorciser of fancy kingdoms ". All the element-key of the classic adventure of fancy seem to be gifts: heroic, mythical épicas missions and enemy adventurers. But he also has the administrative and strategical control on a fantastic world, with decisions to be taken in the best style of the exorcisers as SimCity... I'm sure that something is being lost in the translation. Exorciser of fancy kingdoms indeed! |
March 08, 1999 |
Another Majesty preview has been spotted on the web. This time it's over on The GamerZone. It's a tasty little preview and from what they tell me it's been getting a heck of a lot of traffic! In any case, you can jump right to the preview by manipulating THIS TEXT with some form of pointer/mouse-click combination. |
March 03, 1999 |
You get to look at (or more correctly, listen to..) a preview of a different sort today. We've uploaded an MP3 version of the main theme music for Majesty for you to download and listen to at your leisure. Give it a listen then hop on over to the Discussion Forum and let us know what you think of it. |
February 25, 1999 |
Every time a new preview of Majesty comes out it seems to top the last one. The newest preview from Rich LaPorte at Gone Gold certainly continues this trend... but it may also break it as well. It is SO complete and SO detailed that it's going to be extremely difficult to top. Go forth now and check out this mammoth preview of the game! |
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Majesty®: The Fantasy Kingsom Sim, Majesty®: The Northern Expansion, Majesty®, the Game Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, and the Game Majesty: The Northern Expansion are ©2001 Cyberlore Studios, Inc. Majesty and Cyberlore are registered trademarks of Cyberlore Studios, Inc. 'The Fantasy Kingdom Sim', 'The Northern Expansion' and the Cyberlore logo are trademarks of Cyberlore Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.