Cyberlore® Foundation






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December 31, 2004

Funds have been sent to help the victims of the tsunami in Southern Asia and Eastern Africa through the American Red Cross and UNICEF.  To date over 120,000 people have lost their lives and over 5 million people have lost their homes and livelihoods.  Our hearts go out to the victims and their families.

March 23, 2004

Twenty five acres of virgin rainforest purchased!  Through the Nature Conservancy's Adopt an Acre program, the Cyberlore Foundation has taken part in permanently protecting an important part of the Valdivian Temperate Forest in Chile.  The forest is one of the world's most biologically-important places and is one of just a handful of large temperate rain forests left in the world.  During the last Ice Age, these forests served as a refuge - a haven free from ice.  As a result, the Validivian Temperate Forest still harbors Chile's highest concentrations of species found nowhere else on Earth.

March 3, 2004 - New Research Links

Ever wonder how much of your charitable donation is really going to the people and places in need of help?  Unfortunately, some charities spend too much on inefficient organizations and not enough on programs.  Check out the new Research Links in our Links section.  These web sites list how much charities spend on overhead vs. programs as well as a wealth of other information including program details, overhead and management costs (including CEOs salaries), and program expenses.

These sites are also great if you know what cause you want to support, but don't know which charity to give to.  Use their advanced search feature to zero in on the charity that is right for you by searching by keyword, category, charity rating, and location.

May 28, 2002 - Cyberlore Employee Matching Plan

Funds have now been set aside to match the charitable donations of the employees of Cyberlore Studios, Inc!  Check out the Programs link and see what charities Cyberlore employees have generously donated to.


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