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The Valdivian Temperate Forest, Chile - Invest in Guaranteed Growth

Adopt an Acre, Buy Rain Forest Land Preservation Temperate Forests
Valdivian Temperate Forest, Chile
© Darren Guyaz

Chile's Valdivian Temperate Forest rests in the heart of the Chilean Andes.  The Valdivian Temperate Forest is a globally-important ecoregion, considered to be among the highest conservation priorities by some the world's key conservation organizations, including The Nature Conservancy, World Bank, World Wildlife Fund and Conservation International.  A unique set of circumstances has given The Nature Conservancy the rare chance to protect these old-growth temperate rain forest lands, which are home to some of the most unique species in the world.

Although rainforests cover less than 2% of the Earth's total surface, they are home to more than half of all plant and animal species.  Rainforests play a significant role in maintaining the Earth's weather patters - and its limited supply of fresh water.  They also have provided key advances in modern medicine: 70% of the plants identified by the National Cancer Institute as useful in cancer treatment can only be found in the rainforest.



What We're Doing
The Nature Conservancy is working to establish a corridor of core protected areas between existing national parks and reserves from north to south as a means to ebb the fragmentation and isolation of these areas.

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