Wallpaper must be saved in .bmp format, yet this format cannot
be displayed on a web page. For that reason, many browsers such
as Netscape and Explorer have the option of selecting an image that
you see in the browser and turning it into wallpaper. To do this
simply put your pointer over the image that you wish to turn into
wallpaper, right-click on it. A menu will appear. Select "Set
as Wallpaper" from that menu. The image that you had selected
will now appear on your desktop. If you want that image to tile
(repeat itself over and over) you'll have to go into the display
properties and click the little "tile image" box near
where you select your wallpaper.
If you want to use a .bmp image as wallpaper you just need to put
it into the windows\system directory. Then, from the display
properties dialogue (right-click on your desktop and select "properties"
to get there) you can choose that wallpaper from the list already
included with your system. Don't forget what the file was called
because that's what you will be looking for when selecting your